WVU Webinar on Dental Innovation


WVU Check-In: Dental Innovation at West Virginia University The integration of technology within dental schools – in both the teaching program and patient care – continues to revolutionize the way oral healthcare is delivered. In this exclusive conversation with the WVU School of Dentistry, we’ll provide an update on the incorporation of cutting-edge technology and discuss what’s next as the School of Dentistry positions itself to leverage future opportunities. View the webinar that was streamed live on Feb. 24, 2021. You can view it on YouTube by clicking this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLppoq-j8h8 [...]

WVU Webinar on Dental Innovation2021-08-04T11:43:13-05:00

Editorial: Dental Hypotheses: Has Do-It-Yourself Alignment for Malocclusion Doomed the Orthodontic Specialty?


[Downloaded free from http://www.dentalhypotheses.com on Friday, January 1, 2021, IP:] Has Do-It-Yourself Alignment for Malocclusion Doomed the Orthodontic Specialty? TECHNOLOGY AND DO-IT-YOURSELF ORTHODONTICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY Orthodontics is the dental specialty that diagnoses and corrects malocclusion of teeth during and after eruption. Treatment involves the use of forces on teeth to shift their position. Traditionally the magnitude and direction of these forces are determined by the orthodontist and appliances fabricated for the application of these forces. Several years ago, digital technology was developed specifically for orthodontic treatment. By using computer guided design and manufacturing, appliances were fabricated that [...]

Editorial: Dental Hypotheses: Has Do-It-Yourself Alignment for Malocclusion Doomed the Orthodontic Specialty?2022-01-08T15:45:37-05:00

Dental Hypotheses


Dental Hypotheses has published the article: The Center for Research and Education in Technology (CRET), Inc: Promoting a Partnership Between the Dental Industry and Dental Schools To view the article, click here: http://www.dentalhypotheses.com/text.asp?2020/11/1/28/282245 This paper is adapted from Dr. Rossomando's, President of CRET, talk presented at a meeting of the Dental Trade Alliance (DTA) on February 19th, 2020, in Chicago, IL, USA.

Dental Hypotheses2021-07-04T06:50:54-05:00

ADA News: Dental Schools, Industry Team Up To Create Innovation Centers


To view the article, click here: https://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2020-archive/january/dental-schools-industry-team-up-to-create-innovation Dental Schools, Industry Team Up To Create Innovation Centers Center for Research & Education in Technology seeks applicants January 17, 2020 By Judy Jakush Tech classroom: Dr. Andres Pappa (standing), director of the Regions CRET Innovation Suite, talks with dental students, from left, Erin Coggin, Collin Peterson and Heather Wise, in the suite's conference room. The Center for Research & Education in Technology is encouraging dental schools to find out how to participate in its program and learn about the benefits to the school and its students. So far CRET, which [...]

ADA News: Dental Schools, Industry Team Up To Create Innovation Centers2021-07-04T06:56:04-05:00

ADA News: Connecting Students With The Latest In Dental Technologies


To view the article, click here: https://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2018-archive/september/connecting-students-with-the-latest-in-dental-technologieshttps://www.ada.org/en/publications/ada-news/2018-archive/september/connecting-students-with-the-latest-in-dental-technologies Connecting Students With The Latest In Dental Technologies September 17, 2018 By Kimber Solana Dr. Edward Rossomando thinks about the way technology has changed the dental profession. “Imagine what happened when electricity was introduced into the dental practice,” he said. “That changed the way decay was removed.” In this day and age, technological changes continue. “But at a much faster pace,” said Dr. Rossomando, president of the Center for Research & Education in Technology, or CRET. “Things can be done in a dental office in minutes. Before, making crowns or prosthetics appliances took [...]

ADA News: Connecting Students With The Latest In Dental Technologies2021-07-04T06:55:40-05:00

Dentistry IQ Publication of the Technology Report


Dental Hypotheses has published the article: Report on technological readiness of US dental schools November 28, 2017 To view the article, click here: http://www.dentistryiq.com/articles/apex360/2017/11/report-on-the-technology-readiness-of-us-dental-schools.html

Dentistry IQ Publication of the Technology Report2021-07-04T06:52:21-05:00

ADA News: Technology Program Offers Opportunity To Dental Schools


To view the article, click here: http://www.ada.org/en/meeting/attendee-information/annual-meeting-news/2017-ada-news-convention-daily/ada-news-convention-daily-saturday-issue-4/technology-program-offers-opportunity-to-dental-schools Technology Program Offers Opportunity To Dental Schools October 21, 2017 By Judy Jakush The Center for Research & Education in Technology is inviting dental schools to look at what the program has to offer in integrating emerging technologies in curriculum and clinical instruction. Dr. Edward Rossomando, dentist and Ph.D., is CRET president. Thursday at the Henry Schein booth, he discussed how the CRET Innovation Center program works. Industry provides new equipment and asks that the participating university provide the space and cover renovation costs for a five to six chair dental office modeled [...]

ADA News: Technology Program Offers Opportunity To Dental Schools2021-07-04T06:55:21-05:00

WVU Documentary Video


Dental Hypotheses has published the article: Report on technological readiness of US dental schools November 28, 2017 To view the Youtube video on YouTubecom, click here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqSxKhBrAw8

WVU Documentary Video2021-07-04T06:54:57-05:00

Dental Tribune Article


CRET was recognized for 10 years of acheivement in Dental Tribune. To view the article, click here: http://www.dental-tribune.com/articles/news/usa/21254_center_for_research_and_education_in_technology_celebrates_a_decade_of_achievement_.html The non-profit association Center for Research and Education in Technology (CRET) is reflecting on a 10-year collaboration to change dental education one school after another. (Photo: Center for Research and Education in Technology) Dec 8, 2014 | News USA Center for Research and Education in Technology celebrates ‘A Decade of Achievement’ by Dental Tribune America NEW YORK, N.Y., USA: The Center for Research and Education in Technology (CRET), a nonprofit association that promotes the introduction of member dental companies’ products, equipment and [...]

Dental Tribune Article2021-07-04T06:53:58-05:00

CRET’s 10th Anniversary Gala


CRET's 10th Anniversary Gala was celebrated in San Antonio, Texas on October 8, 2014. Dr. Edward Rossomando, President, CRET presented the awards of recognition. Mr. Charles Cohen was recognized for his tenacity and commitment establishing the first two technology centers. Mr. Carl Bretko was recognized for his vison and leadership in the organization and advancement of CRET.

CRET’s 10th Anniversary Gala2021-07-04T06:52:48-05:00

CRET Business Office

CRET, Inc.
2315 Torrey Pines Drive
Maryville, TN 37801
Email: deniseterese.cret@gmail.com

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